The scraps of life

me and my thoughts. lucky you.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Lucky Life

I'm feeling overwhelmed by life. As a thirtysomething woman in America in 2005, there is so much to be nostalgic about and there is so much to look forward to. This photo says it all. Sitting on the beach, the present is so wonderful and looking out towards the ocean - wow - there is so much the future holds.

So. Life.
To recap - lots of good times in the past. Lots of good times in the future. Profound, eh?
Well, sure. To be less sarcastic (as that "profound, eh?" was meant to be), I really have found in all my experiences, reading, movie watching, blog-lurking, there is not much to be said out there for the thirtysomething woman withOUT a child, withOUT a career calling, withOUT a passion. What could be said, you ask?
Well, we are going to find out.


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